Microsoft DirectX 10 for windows contains Direct x 3D files for video acceleration in games. Microsoft released several versions of Direct x such as (Direct X 8.0, Direct X 9.0, Direct X 10.0, Direct X 11.0) and more. Direct X 10.0 is especially released for windows XP home edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows XP home premium, Windows Vista Ultimate, Windows vista home premium, Windows vista professional with both 32-bit and 64-bit editions. DirectX 10 for windows includes Direct 3D (DLL) files that are mostly required by some high definition / high resolution games for windows. Microsoft release itself many popular games for windows platforms rather than Microsoft Xbox service.
DirectX 10 for windows is ultimate software pack that includes bundle of files that will accelerate the video and graphics performance in to windows operating system. DirectX 10 for windows is based on core windows OS technology that will boost the multimedia video playback performance with addition of games for windows as well. There are lots of games that required latest DirectX (DLL) files for windows OS before running and playing that game. The multimedia content includes rich media elements are required special direct 3D driver files to comply with windows OS and start playback immediately.
DirectX 10 for windows is especially designed for HD audio playback, High resolution videos, 3D animation movies, higher color graphics, latest released games for windows and much other content. DirectX 10 for windows will boost the ultimate performance of videos playback that never create problems for windows users. Most of multimedia software wills also demands to install latest Direct X driver files such as 3D studio Max, Nero, Corel video studio, Corel Draw graphics suite, Adobe, Auto CAD and many others.
This simple and easy software setup of direct X includes Direct 3D Direct X files, compiler files, input files, audio files, video acceleration files and many other direct X components for Microsoft windows. Microsoft requires turning windows automatic updates ON for keeping your windows direct X files up to date. Microsoft windows updates will automatically download and update the previous DirectX driver and component files for windows.
Application Details
Size: 286 KB
Version: 10.0
License: Freeware
Platform: Windows
Developer: Microsoft
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